Creative Memories Advisor

10 Reasons I Love Being a Creative Memories Advisor

*This post contains affiliate links for products that I have used, loved, and want to share with you. If you click on those links, I may get a small commission at no additional cost to you.

I searched high and low for a direct sales business because I wanted some extra freedoms in my life. None of them seemed to fit what I was looking for, until I realized the one I would love the most was sitting right under my nose. As a scrapbooker, I hadn’t realized that Creative Memories was different from the rest. Here is why I love being a Creative Memories Advisor, and maybe it’s right for you too!

1. A Creative Outlet

Creative Memories Advisor

Scrapbooking has been a main source of creative outlet for me. I began putting photos into some sort of book in early high school after my aunt gifted me with a scrapbooking set, and was hooked. From there, I discovered a community of ladies who knew the ways to get photos into beautiful albums without worrying about them falling apart years down the road. At the time I was using constructions paper, scotch tape, glue sticks, magazine cutouts, and Crayola markers to make pages. If you are a seasoned scrapbooker, you know this spells disaster down the road for your photos.

Because I longed for that creative outlet, and had a fascination with photos, I discovered Creative Memories in the process, and one of those ladies eventually became my inspirational upline. Because I am a Creative Memories Advisor, and part of the Creative Memories community, the creative ideas flow and I can have my outlet as a business!

2. No Quotas!

Creative Memories Advisor

This one was huge for me! I am a shy person, who hates selling. While these traits may not do well in a direct sales environment, because Creative Memories is so different, I didn’t have to fret not being someone I’m not. I didn’t have to approach everyone like another sales option. I cam just naturally get to know people, acquire what they want and nothing more, and it is glorious!

Because I don’t have to stress about hitting a certain amount every so often, I can work my business or hobby as it fits into my busy, working mom schedule and not worry about making purchases I don’t need. That is a very huge reason that I love being a Creative Memories Advisor over other businesses.

3. Build Relationships

I love the people I have gotten to know through crops (scrapbooking events) and through Creative Memories! I have literally been to crops where I didn’t know a single person, and now, years later, I’m friends with many of them and look forward to seeing them when we get to crop together.

There is something special about seeing other peoples’ photos and their style. You learn about their lives, their hardships, their loves, their travels…scrapbooking is actually a pretty vulnerable task. The relationships you make through being an Advisor is priceless. Because people learn to trust your opinions and the products you represent, you find yourself being very open and sharing who you truly are with them.

I love the relationships I have made because I am a Creative Memories Advisor. It opens doors to getting to know people in ways I never would have known before!

4. Pay For Your CM Supplies

Creative Memories Advisor

Creative Memories is really good at what they do. I love pretty much all of the collections they put out and can see them showcasing my photos every time. Because I love so much of the CM product, the commission I earn as a Creative Memories Advisor pretty much pays for what I want each launch. It is a fabulous way to acquire these products for my hobby without breaking the family budget.

Creative Memories pays me weekly through direct deposit and I can then use those profits to pay for supplies. I also get a small profit from my team member’s sales, so they also contributes.

5. Pay for ANYTHING Else

Creative Memories Advisor

When I’m not using my commission to pay for Creative Memories supplies, I’m using it for anything else in life we want to buy or save up for. We have used my commission to pay for my daughter’s dance lessons, pay for something we needed to fix, cover bills when we were short funds, and even use it to save up towards a family trip to Disney World.

That is why I love that Creative Memories pays their Advisors through commissions, rather than discounts. It is a better choice in my mind for covering those things that pop up in life. A commission will pay for things that discounts can’t. Being a Creative Memories Advisor is a wonderful way to supplement funds for where we need it most at the time.

6. Exclusive Products

Creative Memories Advisor

Ok, here is a fun one. Creative Memories Advisors get access to products exclusive to them! We have an entire shopping section on the website that can only be seen when we are logged in with our Advisor emails!

Those products may come in the form of business builders, like catalogs, bags, and resources for our customers. Those products also come in the shape of a “limit one” Advisor-only album cover, or exclusive punches, papers, stickers, and more! It is so fun to check out that page and see what is being offered at the time.

There are also deals on certain products at times that only show up there. We can use those for our own scrapbooking, or as prizes for events and make and takes! It is such a fun perk to being a Creative Memories Advisor!

7. Supportive Advisor Resources

Not only is there an entire shopping section for Advisors on the website, but there are also other resources that help you succeed. From marketing tools, to crop planning resources, to graphics to create business cards, and training videos, support is not far away.

While the website carries many tools, there are also exclusive Facebook groups, emails, and communities with veteran Creative Memories Advisors, ready to offer any insight or answers to questions I have. Creative Memories wants you to succeed, so they are going to give you resources to help you do just that at the pace you want to go!

8. Sneak Peeks

Creative Memories Advisor

I love sneak peeks, and Creative Memories Advisors get those a lot! With every launch of new product, there is an email that goes out a couple of days before to let Advisors know what is coming so they can pump up excitement with their customers. Sometimes there are even webinars and calls you can jump on to get deeper sneak peeks and first looks at what is coming even further down the road.

These sneak peeks may also be for products and resources that are only for Advisors, so that makes them even more fun!

9. So Many Freebies

Creative Memories Advisor

When you sign up to be a Creative Memories Advisor, there is the yearly fee of $49, BUT Creative Memories turns right around and send you a $50 credit towards ANY products you want to acquire! You are essentially signing up for free, plus earning $1 back. If you reach a level 2 Advisor in 60 days, which trust me…is super easy to do without selling to anyone else, you will get an additional $100 to use on Creative Memories products! Plus, right now when you sign up, you get a fun welcome kit, worth $44!

But that’s not all. During your Birthday month, you get credits to use. For achieving certain goals, you get credits to use. Creative Memories has been known to throw freebies into your orders that are so fun. There are always promotions going on for Advisors and Customers that build up your business super fast with hardly any effort. Creative Memories pretty much sells itself, which is what I love about such a credible business.

This year, there is an incentive trip to Mexico. There have been other incentive trips, products, and freebies to earn before as well. There are endless surprises and delights with working as a Creative Memories Advisor!

10. It May Fit For You Too!

Creative Memories Advisor

Could you picture yourself working as a Creative Memories Advisor? If so, reach out to me in the comments and let’s connect! And/or, you can visit the Advisor Join Page here to see more info about earnings, perks, how it works, and more!

Creative Memories is such a unique business that has quality and awesome products you won’t find anywhere else. There is no other business with an earnings plan like them, freebies, resources, and a community as fun.