A Fabulous Festive Layout For Advent in 30 Minutes

Festive Layout

*This post contains affiliate links for products that I have used, loved, and want to share with you. If you click on those links, I may get a small commission at no additional cost to you.

Advent is a very special time for my family. I love how we kick off the Christmas season with our church, building Advent wreaths and lighting the first candle of Advent, the Hope candle, as a church family. Last year I took a really cool picture of all of the wreaths lit, and I figured out a way to create a fun, festive layout for Advent.

I loved making this layout because it not only captured the photo I took, but it also helped me document the tradition and meanings of Advent, which is such a great thing to remember.

Creating This Festive Layout

Festive Layout

I used the beautiful Seasonal Sightings collection from Creative Memories, as well as pieces of last year’s Christmas collection, Joy to the World. I love how Creative Memories puts out a unique collection each year so you can mix up your Christmas layouts year to year, but they still play nicely with previous collections so you can mix and match.

The candles are about an inch and a half wide, and all are about 5 inches long, but tucked under the green, lush paper at varying heights.

I used a corner rounder to round off the top corners of the candles, as well as to create the flame. I found a scrap piece of black paper and cut tiny pieces for the wicks. I really love the versatility of the corner rounder and repositional tape runner, which is what I used to adhere the tiny pieces to the page. Learn more about other must have tools I love in my blog post here.

It was fun journaling about our traditions and explaining the meaning of the Advent candles in this festive layout. I simply used a mat from a previous collection that matched well and gave me plenty of room to share about this special tradition. It is hard to journal sometimes, but there is nothing like traditions and family times that bring out the stories and content you can write on a scrapbook page!

Festive Layout

I would say the longest part of this layout was picking out the embellishments. I love all of the elements from the Seasonal Sightings collection, so most of the decorating came from that pack and the stickers. The candle border however, is from Joy to the World, and was just too perfect not to use on this page to really accentuate the theme.

Creative Memories always knocks it out of the park with their Christmas collections, and I love that they change them up each year so your pages look different enough to be unique from year to year. I’ve never had a problem getting my Christmas pages completed with Creative Memories products and collections.

What are some of your family traditions? Have you ever thought of including them in your scrapbooking? Share in the comments! I would also love to see what you do with this layout, so be sure to show me that too!

December Deals

Festive Layout

Creative Memories is getting ready to kick off a December Deals promo on Monday! It will bring out deals on last chance items, but also release some new products that will have deals. They will release new items each week, so you’ll want to stay up on what is launched from week to week throughout the month!

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